The Bunny, the Egg and the Cross – Easter Ettiquette!


I received a call this morning from a friend who asked me how she was supposed to greet Christians on this significant day, Good Friday. After a very brief explaination that this is the anniversary of Christ’s crucification and resurrection, she became even more distraught as she had been sending out messages with the words, “Have a fun day”.

I assured her that many people would use the same terminology this way and that as per my previous post, Demystifying Easter, many people define and acknowledge Easter in different ways.  For example, my family does not mandate wearing black clothes or see the day as a day of mourning. We choose rather to recognise the significance of the sacrifice and the responsibility that we now have to pay that forward.


Question 2: Suggestions for family time to convey the meaning of Good Friday

We are really non traditional with regard to this. Morming fun involves family games in our PJs! We prefer to pray at home and our focus is community related in the form of “pay it forward” inititaives – we give out Easter Eggs, sandwiches and a cup of coffee to homeless people on the streets close to home. No photos or “evidence”. Rach takes memory pics but shutting both eyes at the same time. Very cute!


What do you tell your kids if they ask you the meaning of Easter?

As I do this with Rach I would suggest discussions with little ones about the meaning of sacrifice and selflessness. Bring family values and beliefs into the converation focusing on daily dos and don’ts. I do not focus on religious scripture but try to make this a positive discussion. I choose not to mention death in gory detail to Rach (she just turned 4). It’s a concept I have touched on, but not dwelt on. We tell.her its about a dad who loved this son unconditionally, and a son who adored all of us so much that he sacrificed himself for our bad behaviour. It’s the untimately the greatest love and friendship story ever. It teaches us to appreciate the people around us, our current situations and to live with grace.


Your friends and family know you and understand your intentions so any greeting will be appreciated. If you are afraid of being perceived negatively by strangers, choose generic terms like:
“Blessings to you and your family on this day”
“May the Lord be present with you and yours on this day”
“On this day a sacrifice was made that shows us the value of love and selflessness, wishing blessings upon your family”
“May happy memories be created on this holy day for you and yours”


What is the the significance of 12pm – 3pm?

This is sometimes observed as the time that Christ was on the cross and therefore is perfect for reflection. We usually have lunch and discuss what we are most grateful for. It’s a thanksgiving atmosphere. Again, no hard and fast rules, just do what is.best for you and yours! I do not do the graphic colour sheets showing Christ on the Cross or crucified hands, but Rachy does get to listen to Kidified Bible Stories that focus on morals, and her favourite book is: Jesus and You (baby animals learning new values through daily life).

So far those are all the questions answered. These are just my opinion so share yours in the comments! Would love to hear how you and yours spend the day!



Greeting Ettiquette Good Friday – and other Good Friday questions I have been asked


I received a call this morning from a friend who asked me how she was supposed to greet Christians on this significant day, Good Friday. After a very brief explaination that this is the anniversary of Christ’s crucification she became even more distraught as she had been sending out messages with the words, “Have a fun day”.

I assured her that many people would greet this way and that as per my previous post, many people define Easter in different ways.  For example, my family does not mandate wearing black clothes or see the day as a day of mourning. We choose rather to recognise the significance of the sacrifice and the responsibility that we now have to pay that forward.


Question 2: Suggestions for family time to convey the meaning of Good Friday

We are really non traditional with regard to this. Morming fun involves family games in our PJs! We prefer to pray at home and our focus is community related in the form of “pay it forward” inititaives – we give out Easter Eggs, sandwiches and a cup of coffee to homeless people on the streets close to home. No photos or “evidence”. Rach takes memory pics but shutting both eyes at the same time. Very cute!


What do you tell your kids if they ask you the meaning of Easter?

As I do this with Rach I would suggest discussions with little ones about the meaning of sacrifice and selflessness. Bring family values and beliefs into the converation focusing on daily dos and don’ts. I do not focus on religious scripture but try to make this a positive discussion. I choose not to mention death in gory detail to Rach (she just turned 4). It’s a concept I have touched on, but not dwelt on. We tell.her its about a dad who loved this son unconditionally, and a son who adored all of us so much that he sacrificed himself for our bad behaviour. It’s the untimately the greatest love and friendship story ever. It teaches us to appreciate the people around us, our current situations and to live with grace.


Your friends and family know you and understand your intentions so any greeting will be appreciated. If you are afraid of being perceived negatively by strangers, choose generic terms like:
“Blessings to you and your family on this day”
“May the Lord be present with you and yours on this day”
“On this day a sacrifice was made that shows us the value of love and selflessness, wishing blessings upon your family”
“May happy memories be created on this holy day for you and yours”


What is the the significance of 12pm – 3pm?

This is sometimes observed as the time that Christ was on the cross and therefore is perfect for reflection. We usually have lunch and discuss what we are most grateful for. It’s a thanksgiving atmosphere. Again, no hard and fast rules, just do what is.best for you and yours! I do not do the graphic colour sheets showing Christ on the Cross or crucified hands, but Rachy does get to listen to Kidified Bible Stories that focus on morals, and her favourite book is: Jesus and You (baby animals learning new values through daily life).

So far those are all the questions answered. These are just my opinion so share yours in the comments! Would love to hear how you and yours spend the day!